Balancing the Break and Staying Ahead: 3 Key Reminders
David Scott David Scott

Balancing the Break and Staying Ahead: 3 Key Reminders

I bet you and your students are excited for the holiday break ahead. How can you balance the break ahead with the productivity needed after? Better yet, how can you help your students maintain this balance? walk with us through three key reminders to both enjoy the break, and stay on top of all you need to get done.

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Summer Screen Time: What Does the Screen Do to Your Brain?
David Scott David Scott

Summer Screen Time: What Does the Screen Do to Your Brain?

Summer break is a time for relaxation and fun for students, but it's also when screen time can skyrocket. Understanding the effects of excessive screen time on the brain is crucial for fostering healthy habits. In America, (according to a nonprofit named Common Sense Media) children ages 8 to 12, spend nearly six hours per day using media, and teenagers average closer to nine hours a day. To put that in perspective, 25%-38% of a 24hour day is being used up on a screen for kids.

There are some very real consequences to high screen time usage and, according to a recent study, can lead to the decrease well-being of your child. Do not be afraid, It is not too late! Below we walk through the effects of screen time and then provide a number of useful tips and tricks to leverage screen time as a good thing!

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