College Prep in the New Year: What High School Students Need to Know
The college admissions process can feel overwhelming, but starting early is the key to success. From test preparation to crafting standout applications, early planning helps students stay organized, meet deadlines, and reduce stress. In this blog, we’ll explore why getting a head start is essential for achieving your college dreams.
Balancing the Break and Staying Ahead: 3 Key Reminders
I bet you and your students are excited for the holiday break ahead. How can you balance the break ahead with the productivity needed after? Better yet, how can you help your students maintain this balance? walk with us through three key reminders to both enjoy the break, and stay on top of all you need to get done.
Advocating for Your Student in School: A Guide for Parents and Guardians
This guide empowers you to ensure your student receives the resources they need to thrive in school, including practical steps for monitoring progress, adjusting plans, and fostering self-advocacy skills in your child. Discover the signs your child may need extra support, understand the evaluation process, and gain tips on communicating with school staff, requesting necessary accommodations, and handling disagreements. Start advocating today for a supportive, successful school experience!
IEP v 504: What’s the Difference and Why Does it Matter?
A 504 Plan and an IEP are both designed to support students with disabilities in American public schools, but they differ in eligibility, accommodations, and services. A 504 Plan provides accommodations in the general education setting, while an IEP offers specialized instruction and services. Learn the key differences to help your child receive the right educational support.
Navigating Early School Challenges: Tips for Staying on Track Early in the Year
Does it feel like the challenges of the school year are piling up?
If you feel like this year is harder than any before and do not know why, then let us give you some tips on not feeling overwhelmed and support your students as they strive for academic and personal success.
Back-to-School Readiness: How to Start the Year Off Right
Is the coming school year-daunting? Does it feel like you will never be ready? Or like it is more than you handle and will be too hard?
If the answer is yes to any of those questions you are in the right place. getting ready to go back to school (either as a parent or a student) is hard and brings some very real challenges. You are not alone in feeling this way.
As overwhelming as it may seem there a are few things you can do to make the transition to the school year easier. We know the school year can be hard, so we want to help you be as prepared as possible.
Summer Screen Time: What Does the Screen Do to Your Brain?
Summer break is a time for relaxation and fun for students, but it's also when screen time can skyrocket. Understanding the effects of excessive screen time on the brain is crucial for fostering healthy habits. In America, (according to a nonprofit named Common Sense Media) children ages 8 to 12, spend nearly six hours per day using media, and teenagers average closer to nine hours a day. To put that in perspective, 25%-38% of a 24hour day is being used up on a screen for kids.
There are some very real consequences to high screen time usage and, according to a recent study, can lead to the decrease well-being of your child. Do not be afraid, It is not too late! Below we walk through the effects of screen time and then provide a number of useful tips and tricks to leverage screen time as a good thing!
Beat the Brain Drain: 7 Ways To Keep Last Year's Lessons Fresh
Brain Drain refers to the phenomenon where students may lose academic skills and knowledge over extended breaks from school, such as summer break. During the summer break, students typically have less structured learning activities compared to the regular school year. Without daily exposure to educational materials and instruction, students may experience a decline in their academic skills. Learn how to fight agains brain drain and be prapared for the next school year!
2024 Summer Reading Challenge!
It’s hard to believe school is almost over! We are getting ready to kick off a Summer Reading Challenge at LearningRx to help promote literacy and continued learning over the summer. Come join us one and all in encouraging your students to read anywhere and everywhere this summer!